500-Level Classes
Graduate Courses in Communication
501. INTRODUCTION TO GRADUATE STUDIES & TEACHING PEDAGOGY. (3, 0, 3). Provides new graduate students with an introduction to strategies for success within the graduate program, as well as methods of achieving their career goals after completing their master’s degree. Introduction to professional practices, ethics, and teaching techniques at the college level. (All graduate students are required to complete this course during their first year in the program.)
502. COMMUNICATION THEORY. (3, 0, 3). Theories of cognitive processing, social behaviors, influence, social mobilization, diffusion of innovations, and organizational aspects of human information processing and mass media effects.
504. GRADUATE RESEARCH. (3, 0, 3). Fields of communication study, research designs, and methodologies; formulation of a research plan for a thesis.
505. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. (3, 0, 3). Quantitative design and analysis; methods and techniques, such as instrument design, sampling, and specification and interpretation of statistics. (Prerequisite: CMCN 504.)
506. QUALITATIVE COMMUNICATION RESEARCH METHODS. (3, 0, 3). Qualitative research design, analysis, methods, and techniques. (Prerequisite: CMCN 504. May be required of all students performing qualitative thesis research.)
508. COMMUNICATION LAW AND ETHICS. (3, 0, 3). In-depth analysis of U.S. laws and regulations affecting communication, especially the mass media, including ethical standards.
511. JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION. (3, 0, 3). Primary theories of mass media content and effects. Emphasis on role of mass media in a democracy
528. PUBLIC RELATIONS PUBLICS. (3, 0, 3). Theories, research techniques, and analysis of targeted programs for specialized publics, including media, employees, consumers, government, community residents, investors, and donors.
529. PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGEMENT. (3, 0, 3). Management of communication between an organization and its publics within a theoretical and managerial framework, including social, political, and economic factors that can affect relationship building. (Prerequisite: CMCN 528.)
535. ADVERTISING. (3, 0, 3). Theories, theorists, strategies, applications, and new technologies.
564. COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND POLICIES. (3, 0, 3). Recent and emerging technologies in mass communication; formulation, and evaluation of policies to cope with social, political, commercial, workplace, regulatory, and other issues.
582. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION. (3, 0, 3). Cross-cultural and trans-national information flow, systems, comprehension facilitation, and the management of planned change and national development programs.
583. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION. (3, 0, 3). Process, management styles, patterns, leadership, climate, culture, systems, networks, diversity, and technology. Diagnosing communication problems and implementing change.
589. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. (3, 0, 3). Verbal and nonverbal processes. Emphasis on inventory, evaluation, and skill development in varied contexts such as marriage, family, friendship, work, and leisure.
595. PROFESSIONAL PROJECT. (3-9). Grades: S, U, W. Creation of professional project. Permission of instructor required. (Not degree-applicable if you switch from project to thesis track.)
597-598. DIRECTED INDIVIDUAL STUDY. (3, 0, 3 ea.). Restr: May not be used for thesis, professional project, or to replace a course with the same content. Permission of instructor required. (CMCN students may count a maximum of two DIS toward their degree.)
599. THESIS RESEARCH AND THESIS. (3-9). Grades: S, U, W. Creation of scholarly research thesis. Permission of instructor required. (Not degree-applicable if you switch from thesis to project track.)
899. EXAMINATIONS ONLY. (3). Only required of graduate non-thesis students taking examinations, oral and/or written, who are not registered for any other course. Grades: S, U, W.